Hairdresser chat.
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Yes, you did read that right. I want hairdresser chat. Now, is it just me, or does everybody come away from the hairdresser feeling better, not just about your fresh wash and blowdry, but about life? Life, with all its curls and kinks; it just feels smoother, more shiny, in better condition when you leave the salon. But why? What is it about the hairdresser that is so incredibly therapeutic?
Well, I think I've figured it out. And it took longer than a full head of highlights to get there: the therapy lies in the chat. You know, that menial, superficial, polite, where-are-you-going-on-holiday chat. The type that you feel so ready for, so practiced in, so rehearsed. You arrive, you sit in the swivel chair, they pump it up, you look in the mirror and feel slightly self-conscious, they offer you magazines, and then it begins. The chat. At first they start with the basics, how cold its been recently, which xfactor contestant you are rooting for, whether you've had a busy week etc. But then, it gets personal, and this is where the real therapy starts. Before you know it, you've opened up: how you really feel about the village bicycle sleeping with your brother, what you really think about your current boyfriend's taste in,well, just about everything and when you really want to hand in your note of resignation, but as of yet, haven't had the courage to do so. The list continues. This is the moment when all of your insecurities come to light. Maybe its something to do with the halogen lighting, the flattering mirrors, the rollers that are pulling your scalp a little too tight or the smell of peroxide. But whatever it is, it's effective. Its a respite from normal life, an excuse to speak your mind, and if that's not worth paying £70 for, I don't know what is...